Multiple Remote Jobs + Work From Home = Your Financial Freedom
The world of work is changing for the better.
Many employees are pursuing flexible work options, such as remote jobs or hybrid work. This flexibility allows for a massive improvement in quality of life because employees can spend less time in the office environment.
Increased flexibility brings with it many loopholes to exploit where you could earn a lot more money, while doing less work.
In recent years, the mainstream media has focused on negative trends in the labour market such as the Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting or millions of men dropping out of the workforce.
As per usual, the mainstream media offers a ton of information that does nothing to improve your life.
Whereas, this article is about a new employment trend that actually benefits you and will help you increase your income.
This brand new trend is called Job-Stacking.
Job-Stacking is a term coined by author J. Rolf Haltza in his brilliant new book.
Job-Stacking encourages you to maximise your income by working multiple remote jobs at the same time. You simply need to juggle the work tasks and meetings from the various jobs efficiently.
Are you interested in improving your career and financial prospects?
Let’s get started…
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(1) Take the Career Red Pill
The Red Pill is a frequently used phrase these days. There are red pills on the reality of dating, politics, nutrition, etc.
So what is the Career Red Pill?
When you take the Career Red Pill, this means you accept the reality of the many jobs in the modern work environment.
You accept that many jobs are simply “glorified admin” to completing bureaucratic tasks, sending numerous emails and attending meetings where often there is a lot of talk with little progress.
You accept that the management structure is often flawed. Often the Corporate Hierarchy has some of it’s most senior roles filled by people who are good at Office Politics, but sometimes they are not very competent.
You accept that many large companies have incredibly inefficient processes run by mediocre employees, which will never change.
Normally, employees reach this realisation after naively working hard for a promotion at their job. But in reality, the reward for hard work is even more work. At your office job, working harder, faster, more efficiently sometimes does not pays off with a bigger bonus. Even after you get the promotion, the current high inflation rate will erase the benefits of your salary increase.
So you’ve taken the Career Red Pill, now what?
Now, you need to understand why Job-Stacking can work for you.
Keep reading to find out more.
(2) Top 4 Reasons to become a Job-Stacker
These are the 4 Simple Reasons you should consider becoming a Job-Stacker:
Reason 1: You can save both Time & Money
While working at your current office job, you should track your time. After a week, you will realise exactly how often that your time is wasted in the office.
Several hours are wasted every day by commuting to & from the office.
Time is wasted during in-person meetings or frequent small talk with co-workers that you usually have little in common with.
You could reduce all the time wasted by working from home at your current job or finding another remote job.
When you are ready to take the leap, then you can become a Job-Stacker.
Job-Stacking will allow you to work multiple remote jobs at the same time. You could maximise your income by splitting your workday between two different remote jobs.
Reason 2: You prioritise Your Best Interests
The system is rigged against the Middle Class.
The Middle Class in The West is literally disappearing because of the unaffordable housing, exorbitant childcare costs, rising taxes, inflated food and energy costs.
There are multiple threats to your job security such as intense performance reviews, social cliques at work that could prevent success in your career, task automation through AI and company outsourcing work to cheaper labour abroad, etc.
In times like this, with threats to your income coming from all sources, you need to diversify your income sources by trying out Job-Stacking.
Who is looking out for your best interests? The Government? A major company? No-one…it’s just You, on your own…
Reason 3: Focus on increasing Your Income, not Your Social Status in the Workplace
Eventually, you realise, unless your job is fulfilling a deep life purpose and paying a high salary, your job is simply just a job.
Your job title doesn’t mean much outside of work.
You shouldn’t be “married to the job”. You really should value a good work-life balance.
The company you work for does NOT care about you. Your co-workers won’t be there at your funeral. They won’t be there if you have an existential life crisis.
If your entire identity comes from the workplace environment, then you will soon you realise that your *real life* outside of work lacks any real meaning or substance.
Most “hard workers” realise this at a very late in their career and life. They become the horse in Animal Farm. As a “work horse”, they end up giving away all their energy to build a company that they don’t own.
These hard-working employees give up their time and identity to build a company that owns them.
Rather than dedicating your life to securing a promotion at 1 company, you can use Job-Stacking to increase your income by working multiple remote jobs, while also working from home in peace.
Reason 4: Hard Work Does NOT Payoff
It’s not the hard—working, skilled, smart, hyper-productive employees that succeed in the modern work environment these days. They are often over-looked for promotions and opportunities because of “woke culture.”
Major Western Corporations used to be great because they prioritised: Meritocracy, Competency, Innovation & Entrepreneurship - but not anymore...
Major Western Corporations now prioritise Diversity, Inclusion and Equality over the qualities mentioned above that once made them great.
Next time you are in the office, I recommend you take an honest look around you.
❓Who is climbing the Corporate Ladder quicker?
❓Is it hard-working Harry or suck-up Sally?
Unfortunately, it’s typically the mediocre suck-up Sally types that progress faster in the modern work environment. Despite Sally’s mediocre work output, she plays the Office Politics that keeps senior management happy.
Instead of over-working yourself or degrading yourself by sucking up to senior management, you need a new strategy i.e. Job-Stacking.
By leveraging your skill set, you can work remotely and maximise your income, without pursuing promotions - simply by navigating this lucrative loophole in the labour market and working multiple jobs as a Job-Stacker.
(3) Become The King of Mediocrity
A core concept of the book is the idea that you need this major mindset shift:
Instead of trying to be The King of Productivity at 1 company, you should be the King of Mediocrity at a few different companies.
Trying to over-exert yourself at one company can often lead to burnout without adequate compensation.
Sometimes, being hyper-productive can lead to you getting the wrong type of attention at work.
👨💼Your manager may feel threatened that you, a hyper-productive employee, may take their job. Instead, managers prefer an average employee who has the potential for improvement. Managers want to get credit from higher-ups by helping an average employee become a better employee.
🏢Your company may feel that you are overly focused on being productive when they actually want you to focus on playing the Office Politics game instead. Large Companies, in particular, get frustrated when you don’t play along with the “Office is Theatre” charade. They need you to engage in small talk and showmanship in the meetings rather than simply getting the work done to a high quality.
To summarise, this means that many companies prefer mediocre employees over hyper-productive employees.
While this realisation may lead to you feeling disillusioned, I recommend you instead take this as a moment of liberation!
The truth is that the modern work dynamic is beneficial to you, if you know how to leverage it to your advantage.
Rather than exerting too much energy at one job, instead you could direct your excess energy at a variety of different jobs.
Saving time, making more money and keeping your managers happy at multiple companies. Job-Stacking is a Win-Win for everyone involved!
You could dedicate your additional energy to become the King of Mediocrity by producing good quality work at several companies when you work multiple remote jobs at the same time.
The King of Mediocrity is an excellent Job Stacker. He works multiple remote jobs, maximises his income and completes good quality work tasks for several companies.
(4) Job-Stacking: It’s a Mindset
These are 5 Keys to the Job-Stacking Mindset.
🔑 Key 1: Remain Committed To Your Own Interests
Companies are not committed to you.
In previous generations, companies would reward your commitment to a job with a high salary and long-term job security. Those days are long gone.
Now they will hire and fire employees without thinking twice. You are just an expense to them - never forget.
Don’t play yourself. Move from one job to the next for higher pay, which is your priority.
🔑 Key 2: Prioritise Freedom Over Salary
Few salaries or career paths offer the opportunity to build real wealth. Outside of a few options in Tech or Finance, most office jobs do not offer high salaries.
Hence, most office workers need to consider alternative solutions to escape 9-5 wage slavery.
Take the first step towards freedom by choosing a remote job so you can work from home. This will give you greater control over your time, even if your salary is slightly lower in this remote job compared to a standard office job.
Take the second step towards your freedom by working multiple remote jobs as a Job-Stacker. This will allow you to increase your income far above and beyond your initial expectations.
Now you have the best of both worlds, your freedom and higher income. As you can see, you must first prioritise freedom by escaping the office!
🔑 Key 3: Company Perks are an illusion
Company gym. Company car. Company health insurance. Company discounts. These are nothing but shackles that keep you chained to one master - the company you work for.
Break free and pursue multiple income sources so your entire lifestyle does not revolve around working for one company.
I have used a company's gym before. It involves untold amounts of cringe. Go to your own gym, get your own car, live your life.
Don’t live a life that is “rented” from the company that you work for. The only good company perk is health insurance, it’s usually low-cost and high-quality.
🔑 Key 4: Pursue Excellence In Your Personal Life - Not At Work
Major Corporations often have significant inefficiencies built-in to their company. It’s usually a feature, not a bug.
I have worked on the trading floor of major Investment Banks where some teams hire $100k+ “data analysts” whose role is to create basic excel financial models and presentation editing. These roles could be easily automated or outsourced to a cheaper country. But, because of internal office politics, these inefficiencies are never addressed.
If you storm into a new job, trying to improve lots of company processes and create a hyper-efficient workflow, you will do nothing for your career except create enemies.
Just follow whatever process the company has and play along with the charade.
Your job is to do your work, get paid, and leave.
Remember, “the office is a theatre show” mantra and rarely a hyper-productive business.
Most large companies will exist forever, operating with large bureaucracies and mediocre middle management.
Don’t waste your precious energy pursuing excellence in an office that sees you as disposable.
Do your job to a good enough standard and then leave to live your best life.
Focus on your own pursuits, e.g. create your own business, family, enjoy your hobbies and prioritise health.
🔑 Key 5: Protect Your Reputation
I have dealt with toxic managers and back-stabbing co-workers, just like many of you reading this.
As difficult as it can seem, it is important to protect your own reputation by doing the basics, e.g. arriving at work on time, responding regularly to any queries and being polite.
When the petty office gossip starts, just stay out of it and focus on the $$$ you are making.
Keeping a clean reputation in the office environment is difficult these days, especially for men who are often viewed with suspicion and treated like second class citizens by Boomer Bosses or Female Co-Workers.
Protecting Your Reputation is easier when you have 1 remote job, or even several remote jobs. These jobs involve less social interaction and thus there is a less of a need to play political games with others.
(5) How Could You Become a Job-Stacker?
This strategy works best for skilled, efficient employees who are both established in their industry and disillusioned with the inefficiencies of modern office culture.
🏢 Step 1: Spend the first few years of your career working different office jobs at large, established companies. Try to build a specific area of expertise, e.g., Accounting Auditor, etc.
🖹 Step 2: Update your CV to mention your experience at these ‘brand name’ companies. Leverage this updated CV to attract attention from recruiters at smaller companies in your industry that offer remote jobs online.
✅ Step 3: Secure your 1st remote job offer! Take a breather and work the job for a few months. Develop the skills needed to complete the routine tasks assigned to you.
❗ Step 4: This is the important step! For the 1st remote job, figure out their regular meeting schedule, the deadlines you have to complete the routine tasks etc. Figure out how much time you have free in the day to fit in a 2nd remote job, e.g. 4 - 5 hours.
✅✅ Step 5: Apply to other remote jobs and start job-stacking! Your 2nd remote job should be easier than the 1st because you want to juggle both jobs without too many issues.
Please Note: Take it one step at a time. If you lose 1 job, just don’t get stressed. You can always find another job.
(6) Who should not pursue Job-Stacking?
Don’t pursue Job Stacking if you enjoy the current Corporate Culture.
If you enjoy Corporate Culture and are typically the manager’s favourite, then simply stick to your accelerated career path to a senior role with a high salary.
Job-Stacking is for employees who do not fit the typically requirements of the modern corporate environment.
(7) Job-Stacking Book: My Final Thoughts
Overall, I give this book a 4/5.
This book could have scored 5/5, but it requires better editing and formatting. With some style improvements, this book could have been more organised, easy-to-follow, and engaging.
If you have a strong skill set and you can work remotely, then you will be able to use this job-stacking strategy to multiply your income.
Check out Rolf Haltza’s book on Amazon here and his course that offers even more detailed advice here.
These are not affiliate links. This book review is independent and neutral.
I hope this blog post helped you consider pursuing an alternative to the standard 9-to-5 office job.
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PS: To learn more about securing a fantastic Crypto Career, check out this blog: